For 2 days, gundog experts from all over the world will present their knowledge and introduce themselves - and you can attend completely for FREE.
Register, get to know competent trainers and improve the work and training with your hunting dog!
The videos will be available to you for a limited time only; the exact schedule will follow soon.
Missed the last congress? No problem, you can purchase the congress package here:
THE SPEAKERS - Congress 2025
Jagdhunde aus dem Tierschutz
Der Dackel in Nichtjäger-Hand
Beschäftigung & Auslastung für Jagdhunde
Claxbywold Gundogs
Petra & Marcel Christen CH
Das macht einen zuverlässigen Jagdbegleiter
Jagen im Rudel
Der Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (im Jagdeinsatz)
Jagdhunde- und Arbeitsrassen
Mordor Gundogs
The biggest mistakes in gundog training
Vom Jagdhund ohne Ansprache zu entspannten Spaziergängen
Midland Gundog Training
Die Bedeutung von Berührungen
More speakers soon to be announced!